Despite the best efforts of Brian Cashman, he has been unsuccessful in removing all traces of the human Joba Chamberlain once was. Apparently, watching his nose light up repeatedly as Yankee doctors tried to remove the last strain of homosapien was too much for the weak-stomached Cashman. "I just couldn't take it... and that buzzing noise, well, it still haunts my dreams," Cashman muttered as his eyes glazed, almost transfixed by a specter of the glowing red nose. Joba seemed optomistic, "No, they haven't (removed all the human). But I like knowing there's still something human about me. Living with giving up 2 homeruns in 30 innings will be rough, but I like that I can still vote".
The shear selfishness of Joba overwhelms this reporter. The right to vote!? Son, you are a Yankee and as a Yankee fan I demand perfection! I mean, Farnsworth didn't give up a run.
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