Yeah, I know, they kicked the shit out of Boston on Wednesday. Since then however, they've been shut down by the immortal Daniel Cabrera and some guy who won a pitch for the Orioles radio contest – Brian Buress. This past Friday the supposed Bronx Bomblets were held to 2 runs by Daniel Cabrera, the same Daniel Cabrera who sports a nifty 5.16 ERA and couldn't throw a strike if the ump used Dwight Howard's strike zone. The team followed up that sterling effort with an amazing ZERO runs against some dude name Brian Burres, I have no idea how disgusting this effort actually was because I have no idea who Brian Burres is. Given the Yanks did manage to win on Sunday, but no one should lose site of the fact that Steve Trachsel held the team to 3 runs in 6.1 innings. Getting only 3 runs against Trachsel is like only getting to third base against the drunk girl at the party who just broke up with her boyfriend and was throwing up from all the shots of Jaeger she did with her sorority sisters five minutes before you met her.
The golden turd in the lineup is Jason Giambi who is batting .109 with a .288 on base percentage and .283 slugging percentage. Even better his 2 home runs are both off the corpse of Mike Timlin and probably shouldn't be counted. Robinson Cano is doing all he can to kill any rally by batting .169, slugging .234 and getting on base at .200 clip. If those two weren't enough to make you puke on your notebook, Johnny Damon is hitting .215/.342/.400, although those numbers look nasty compared to the wonder twins Giambi and Cano. So, if you want to do the math – 9 batters, 3 automatic outs = Cabrera and Burres looking like major league pitchers.
Fortunately, fans shouldn't have to watch this abortion all summer, the offense should get better. Even though Giambi and Damon might be done (Cano will hit, just give him time) – Morgan Ensberg and Shelly Duncan can play DH/1B and the Yanks could get by with Bob Abreu, Hideki Matsui and Melky Cabrera in the outfield. (Hey guys who miss Torre – do you miss having Nick Green and Miguel Cairo on the bench?). Of course, even if Giambi returns to his pre-Balco form and Damon turns back into sasquatch, unless Ian Kennedy and Phil Hughes can start making it past 4 innings and the defense can make it through 9 innings without an error, the Yanks are going to struggle to keep up with Boston this year.
NOTE: We at 26goingon27 think Joba Chamberlain should have been in the starting rotation all along. If the Brian Cashman is truly planning on bringing him along the way the Twins brought Johan Santana then things are all good. However, if the plan is to really keep Joba in the bullpen for his career, then Hank was right – that plan is idiotic.
1 comment:
i think the yanks should seriously consider picking up frank thomas. he may be on the decline but he would be better than giambi at first; giambi's awful d is starting to really be a big factor in yankee losses and his bat is looking like he is really done. big hurt's defense would be an upgrade over giambi and i think he would really start crushing the ball over that right field fence. giambi would make a great $25M PH haha
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