So here, we are....2 games in looking at the old proverbial '7-10 split' in the W-L column, and I've had the pleasure of experiencing the highest of the high, and sadly the lowest of the low.
After Mondays dress rehearsal, we got right down to business on Tuesday night where a good friend of mine secured me a Legends Suite ticket about 4 feet from Vernon Wells and the Toronto on-Deck circle. Easily, the best seat I've ever had in Yankee Stadium. Vernon joked with us after we asked him if Eckstein was able to see the top of his locker, we drank a few $8 beers, and then passed by Christopher Walken and Lorne Michaels to take a piss. Ahh...how the other half lives.
There was a game too. Wang did the business vs the BlueBirds and Joba came on and stroked every Yankee fans hard-on that's been raging for the past 6 months. Then of course, Mo came in with the Marlboro light and baseball in the Bronx as we know it, was officially underway, TAKE 2!!
So back to reality, after a few cans of Miller Lite at secret location #3, I was back in the bleachers last night...you know...that little shoebox in right field where they don't serve beer and basically anyone who comes up the stairs in a Mutts shirt is an asshole?? Gosh, it was cold last night and my pal from the night before, Vernon Wells, who has had a special relationship with section 39 the last few years, made up for his goofs and blunders the night before and smashed a 2 run shot to left. I was secretly happy for him, because, he is not only the coolest non-Yankee there is, but also because maybe it will convince people that Mussina really does suck now.
It was magnetic schedule night last night...wow, I love those things. That's the third best giveaway at the stadium aside from luggage tag night and mouse pad night, if you have to know (All of you 'hog-four-tickets for-Delusso-Deli-Meats-statuett
I think the highlight of last night, apart from LaTroy Hawkins embarassing debut, was when I saw a severely overweight guy in 39 who looked like a combination of Shrek and genetically enhanced Chicken McNugget. "HEY...YOUR U.F.O. IS DOUBLE PARKED!!!" we yelled...and all we got back was a smile and a wave. He seemed to be travelling with a pubescent Mets fans who had a moustache and a uni-brow, who was escorted away by the police after flipping the middle finger at someone a few rows back. Somehow, Shrek managed to stay a few minutes longer, without his little buddy, and then disappear to what looked like section 41.
It's good to be back. Cold, rain, and all.....See you this year at the stadium
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